Posted by: Rachel | April 21, 2020

good and good for ya!

Sometimes the simplest foods bring comfort. For me, one of these things is carrot salad.

Now when I was a kid I must admit, I wasn’t a fan. That too sweet even for me shredded carrot and raisin with mayo stuff just wasn’t my cuppa. It was often soggy and just uninspired.

I was never really a fan of carrot salad until I had it in France. There you can buy it prepared in the supermarkets in little tubs, if you don’t have a kitchen. Divine!

I think the secret is two-part. One is the texture, the other is the dressing. Here’s the thing, this version, which is basically David Lebovitz’s recipe is as close to what I call perfect as I have found. And it couldn’t be simpler, really.

See how the holes are round? Makes all the difference!

If you only have a box grater, fine. But, if you want the French carrot salad texture that I crave (and it is very different, believe me), I find that using the grater that I use for hard cheeses does the trick. It creates the perfect slim rounded shred that makes me happy. The bites of carrot are crunchy, sweet, juicy, and did I say crunchy? Mmm…

So, here’s all it takes.

Franco-Texan Carrot Salade

1 carrot per person, grated
chopped parsley (ideally flat-leaf)
lemon juice
olive oil
pinch salt
3 pinches of sugar (opitonal)
pepper (optional)

carottes râpée

Mix the carrots and chopped parsley. Make a dressing with everything else. Add, but not too much – don’t drown those carrots!

All amounts are up to your taste. I like a dressing heavy on the lemon juice and easy on the oil. If your carrots are young and tender you can skip the sugar but I like a pinch (or 3) to balance the lemon. I also like lots of parsley, as you can see. I often leave the pepper out. One could, I suppose, add raisins or currants… I won’t tell.

In any event, good and good for you indeed. Take care of yourselves, stay safe, stay home, and more soon!


  1. Oh yes, that carrot salad was divine, wasn’t it! Hope you are doing well… much love, Lisa

    Sent from my iPad


    • Hey Lisa – great to hear from you! Yes, all good here and hope you are same. Oh yes, that carrot salad was dreamy! 😊👍

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