Posted by: Rachel | September 10, 2020

some thank yous and please and thanks again!

First, some thank yous:

Thank you to Shveta for arranging the AFBA happy hours, and particularly for this most recent one with Soley and Tequila Sheela. And many thanks to Soley and Tequila Sheela for providing us with the adorable and delicious “Awesome Organic Margarita” kits!

How cute is this?

adorable (and delicious!)

The three bottles come in a cute and well packed box, everything but the glass and the ice (oh, and bring your own lime). We had a grand time, and I learned a lot! And, this mango margarita appealed to my sweet tooth. The fruity, rich, tropical flavors went down all too easily in the Texas summer heat, I can tell you! And, I can imagine pouring this over something like poundcake, or ice cream, or… mmm! Makes me hungry just to think about it!

Nice (very nice!) gift idea, this. I have a little left over, but I don’t think it’ll be around for long. Delicious!

Now, for that please:

I’ve been blogging for ten years (yes, really – I’m astonished too!) and I’ve never asked for your support for a cause, but that is about to change. (You can stop reading here; I’ll never know, but I hope you will continue on.)

This year, well, everything is different. Some events stop, some events start or start anew, some adapt. This year the Texas MammaJamma Ride has adapted. This fundraiser ride, traditionally held in September in Martindale, a small, charming town south of Austin, has gone “virtual”. The part that hasn’t changed is the reason for the ride: all funds raised go to support local support programs and services for breast cancer fighters and survivors in Central Texas.

Last year I volunteered, handing our ride packets in Martindale. This year I’m participating. You know what’s coming next, right?

Please consider supporting me in supporting these local groups. There’s just too damn much cancer in the world. One in eight women will get (and hopefully be diagnosed early – get your mammograms!!!) breast cancer. And, men are affected too. Luckily, these groups are here, boots on the ground so to speak, for folks who are in need of care and support. And, while that looks different to everyone, there are lots of different kinds of support here, from free fitness programs (thanks Team Survivor!!) to Wonders and Worries, supporting kids as their parents go through a cancer journey, to our local Sustainable Food Center providing nutrition information, classes, and education… you can see the whole list here: MammaJamma Ride Beneficiaries

And now, I’m hitting you up. Yes, I am, shamelessly. Any amount will help. I’m about halfway to my goal, and there’s plenty of time for you to donate as the event this year starts next week and goes for 8 days. Its about the 1 in 8 women… So, if you have a buck or two (and yes, I know this isn’t the best year to be asking for money but that makes it all even more important), please consider supporting this event.

Or, sign up and join in! You don’t have to be in Austin to participate. Do your own fundraising – that’s fine by me! 🙂

If you can and wish to support me, though, clicking this sentence will take you directly to my fundraising page.

And finally, thanks again for reading, for those who’ve already donated, to those of you who can and will, and for your feedback and comments over these ten years. I appreciate all y’all (I’ve been told it is “all y’all”, not “all of y’all” – I think yinz is much simpler!).

Until next time – be well and stay safe!


  1. Thank you for joining the happy hour and for your passion to help others!

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